I've been told by many neighbors with regard to owning a house that, "there is always something..." one needs to do maintain or improve the home. I think that is true. While contentment is my goal, I agree nothing is really stagnant and somethings need to be done. We can't stop the world from moving and rotating. We can't stop the seasons from changing or the cycles of the moon, which by the way, tonight was a beautiful moon! I was able to enjoy the view with my son as we drove home.
Sometimes I struggle with change because it feels like it conflicts with my desire for contentment. I've realized this isn't always true. For instance, painting the bathroom. If I let the desire to paint the bathroom turn into a complete gut and remodel, then I think I've missed the boat on contentment. However, if I stick to my plan to do things myself or with help from my family and reuse what we have with some extra cleaning and freshening up, then I've just done what needs to be done to keep the house in good working order. There is nothing wrong with that. It's actually a good thing.
Lately, I've been thinking about continuing my education. I have a desire to learn more to move to a different job in the coming years. Yes, I did just recently learn the trade I am in, but I have a burning desire to help human beings, not just animals and if I can do both together, that would be awesome! I greatly enjoy the folks I work with and hope that I am a positive influence on them and a witness for Christ to them, but my desire to continue my education isn't a lack of contentment based on selfish desire, but a desire to make a positive difference in humanity.
As I age, I hope to grow in wisdom. I believe I am taking a step in the right direction by learning to analyze my motives before I move forward with something. Is it for practical, emotional or selfish reasons? Will be fixing a problem or creating one? Will I be setting an example I want my children to follow?
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