My most favorite and always loyal dog, (I'll call her Lovely.), is the leader of my little pack. She has the final say in what the other dogs can or can not do in our house and especially who else is allowed in my bed. (That should probably say our bed, because it is as much hers as it is mine. She has her spot. I have mine. It works well.)
A short time ago, Lovely adopted Pup. She loves that often annoying, yet somehow absolutely adorable little beast. She lets it do things to her that she doesn't even like me doing. I'm not supposed to touch Lovely's tail, but Pup, she can touch Lovely's tail, kneed it with her paws and after turning in about 6 little circles, settle into that fuzzy warm tail for a comfy nap. Lovely lets Pup in my bed without any hesitation. Anytime.
Earlier this morning, I watched "The Ladies" interact as I was trying to get that last few minutes of sleep. My lovely and her pup were on the bed. Lovely's step sister, Sis, came into the room as she often does. Lovely growls a bit as Sis whines to me. Sis is often scared to pass Lovely, even though Sis is at least twice the size of Lovely. After watching this for a few minutes, I said to Lovely, "Come on, let her up here. I said its ok." Lovely snarled just a bit more. I repeated it to her and invited Sis on the bed. It took Sis a minute before she was willing to accept the invitation, but as I watched Lovely put her head down in submission to my wishes, it was then that I realized, sometimes I need to act in loving ways, even to the whiny crabs around me, simply to please my Master, as well. A little act of kindness might be just what someone else needs today.
Thank you.
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